Bula from Fiji!
After spending the past month living in campervans in the middle of Australia and New Zealand’s winter, we were more than ready for a bit of warm weather, rest and relaxation! We spent a lot of our time in Fiji taking it easy in our resort; relaxing on double bed sun loungers by the pool, sunbathing, swimming and reading. We also explored Nadi town centre, visited Sri Siva Subramaniya temple and had our first experience of Korean BBQ. Me exploring Nadi Me relaxing at our resort Me at Sri Siva Subraminya temple Nick cooking us up a Korean BBQ storm However, we couldn’t go to Fiji without visiting some of the islands. During our stay, we visited Robinson Crusoe Island and Malamala Beach Club, where we had two of the most amazing days. Robinson Crusoe Island Robinson Crusoe Island was everything you could want from a Fijian island: white sands, clear waters and wonderful hospitality. And despite what Daniel Defoe would have you believe, there wasn’...