My top 10 travel reading tips
Being big lovers of both travel and reading, going travelling for a year was the perfect opportunity for us to get lots of reading done! For any other book lovers planning on setting off on their own adventures, here are my top 10 tips for reading whilst travelling. The card that Nick gave to me before we left 1. Try to only carry two books with you at any time When you’re having to carry your entire life on your back, you don’t want to be lugging around any unnecessary baggage. For this reason, it’s a good idea to only ever carry two books with you at any time . One isn’t enough as you’ll always want to have a backup ready to go. (No book lover wants to get caught off guard in the middle of the Australian outback with no reading material!) So, two is the perfect amount. 2. Leave a trail of books Once you’ve finished a book, you’ll want to get rid of it before moving on to your next destination in order to free up some valuable space in your bag. The way that I did ...